It’s Getting Better

January 29, 2009

Welcome to the kickoff-post for the movies of 2008, and the season of the 81st Annual Academy Awards. And let me say at the top, things look promising this year. Thank blog.

Not to dwell on the past, but, UG, the last couple of years have been tough. Watching  Best Picture nominees has been harder  than enduring a Tom Cruise attempt at an Irish accent (and thots sayin’ sumptin’.) You remember the spry comedy of “No Country for Old Men“, the joyous romp through  “There Will Be Blood“, the romance of “The Departed“, the whimsical drama of “Babel“?

To be honest, I didn’t think I could take another year like that. The so-called “modern movie” has descended into nothing more that a shock-fest. No character development. No story arcs. Just blood, blood, blood. I was “Lost”.

These are not Anansi stories. Tiger stories maybe, and recall Tiger lost all the stories, and deservedly so.

But thank goodness for 2008! At time of writing, I’ve seen only a handful of the nominated movies, but in them I’ve seen a definite return to the art of great story telling. “Milk”, “In Bruges“, “Benjamin Button” and even “Slumdog Millionaire” (a tough, yet terrific movie) all have something much more than just shock and awe. We can debate the merits of these movies (and others), and debate we will, but it’s a step in the right direction.

And so, we’re off! Under a month to the ceremony at time of writing, and time to get watching and blogging. And, yes, for those of you who asked, the party is ON.

I conclude with a link to a song for the future, with a video appropriate for the past.


(and below is a more “down home” version which is excellent!)